Workshops and seminars

Lady Bay Music Academy is not just lessons – more activities, workshops, concerts and seminars will follow as the Academy continues to grow.

Upcoming LBMA plans:

  • Eight-week music discussion and informal analysis seminars leading towards attending concert performances of discussed works
  • Summer composition retreats for students to work with performers on new works
  • Developing creative projects with local arts and wellbeing organisations
  • Creative workshops in schools and local communities

More information on these plans coming soon!


As a music educator, I have successfully supervised projects up to and beyond PhD-level study. My own research using both creative and theoretical methodologies is based in the perception of music, and how we explore that through the composition and performance of new music. If you are interested in discussing new musical directions for research of any kind, please do get in touch for a free discussion session to talk through ideas.

For a list of my publications, both written and practice-based, click here.

To find out more information or discuss an initial lesson, please feel free to get in touch:


Tel: 07740341573